I drove past this banana split -- which sits on a trailer in Mountainair -- and was compelled to go back and photograph it. Apparently it's an advertisement for the "sweet shop" next door, which, although the sign said Open, did not appear to be doing a brisk business at the time -- or indeed, any business at all.
If you look real closely at the Drive Up sign, you'll see that the two little black marks on it are actually microphones.
Actually, if you look very closely you will see that they are not microphones, it's part of a light fixture that is being recycled as a sign holder. And if you know anything at all about Mountainair, then you would know that, sometimes, business is slow. Did you stop and talk to the owner? Try the food? Have anything other than a sarcastic and misinformed view of a new business to the area?? I think you owe the owner and every loyal patron of this business an apology for the lack of respect you are showing with your little blog comment. We here love Granny's Sweet Shop! If you don't, that's fine, but it is your opinion.
Vickie Mendenhall, Lover of Mountainair and all of it's beauty!
Anyone with a real photograher's eye would have seen right away that the 'trailer' is really a full sized fishing boat. I don't live in Mountainair, but my friends and relatives do. I have been visiting there since I was a small child (some 60 years) and I am saddened by the blatant snobbery displayed in your caption under the poor quality photo of the beautiful banana split boat. And,anyone with a brain should know that when the open sign is turned off, the shop is closed. Next time, just keep driving....Mountainair will never miss you!
What's with all the defensiveness? It's a giant banana split boat, not the Pietà. Maybe people in Mountainair should lighten up and not take themselves (or their landmarks) so seriously. Just a thought.
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